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Town Council Emergency Meeting Agenda 11/10/2011

COUNCIL CHAMBERS                        THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2011
SOUTH WINDSOR TOWN HALL                                                     TIME:  6:00 P. M.

1.      Call Meeting to Order

2.      Roll Call

3.      New Business

A.      Resolution Requesting the Governor, Attorney General and the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management Certify that the Cleanup from Storm Alfred in South Windsor is a “Dire Emergency”

  • Adjournment

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Town Council Emergency Meeting

Thursday, November 10, 2011

3.      New Business

A.      Resolution Requesting the Governor, Attorney General and the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management Certify that the Cleanup from Storm Alfred in South Windsor is a “Dire Emergency”
(Councillor Delnicki)

WHEREAS, on Tuesday, November 8, 2011 at approximately 10:30 a.m., Governor Malloy informed Town officials that he, the Attorney General and the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management would consider the cleanup efforts as a “dire emergency” from the aftermath of Storm Alfred on a Town by Town basis and in accordance to Section 7-379 of the Connecticut General Statutes but to do so the Governor would require a formal letter from the Chief Elected Official requesting such a  ruling and in addition to the letter he desires the governing body to also pass a resolution making such a  request; and

WHERAS, Mayor John P. Pelkey has already drafted, signed and delivered such a letter in order to keep the Towns efforts moving forward as quickly as possible; and

WHEREAS, during the Emergency Meeting of the South Windsor Town Council on Friday, November 4, 2011 the Town Council already approved a resolution allowing the Town Manager to borrow up to $1.5 million dollars for the cleanup effort once the Governor, Attorney General and the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management declares the cleanup effort a “dire emergency”; and

WHEREAS, each moment of delay in this process puts South Windsor citizens at risk from the massive amount of debris that litters our Town

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council in addition to Mayor John Pelkey’s request, and acting on behalf and for the safety of the citizens of South Windsor, formally requests that the Governor, Attorney General and the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management certify that the cleanup from Storm Alfred in South Windsor is a “dire emergency”; and

(Resolution Continued on the Next Page)

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Emergency Meeting – Town Council
Thursday, November 10, 2011

3.      A.      (Continued)

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council directs the Clerk of the Council to draft an approval letter on its behalf and delivers it to the Governor, Attorney General and the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management in the most expeditious manner.

4.      Adjournment

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